1.0.1 and ntpsnmpd

Ian Bruene ianbruene at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 23:35:26 UTC 2018

On 02/25/2018 04:43 PM, Eric S. Raymond via devel wrote:
> Gary E. Miller via devel <devel at ntpsec.org>:
>> On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 16:02:00 -0600
>> Ian Bruene via devel <devel at ntpsec.org> wrote:
>>> [...]
>> OTOH, people will not test it until it is easy to test.  So I'd suggest
>> putting it in 1.0.1, and mark "experimental".
> [...]  By marking it "experimental" we can mitigate the
> reputation risk if it does.

This seems the best option.

> So...you get to tell us if it's ready, and commit the change to
> include in the tarball if it is.  Don't sweat the decision, you
> have more important things to spend your think time on.

Well I just pushed a commit that takes care of the most finicky option. 
So I will be marking it for ship once I do some more cleanup and figure 
out how to include it.

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