1.0.1 and ntpsnmpd

Ian Bruene ianbruene at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 22:02:00 UTC 2018

Is ntpsnmpd having it's Official Release with 1.0.1, or are we punting 
to the next release?

Right now I do not believe that it would be crazy, but there are still 
options that need work, and logging is not systematic and consistent 
yet. The missing options I've thought of are all simple to add; they are 
not blockers. I will probably have them ready by 3/3 even without a 
specific attempt to finish them quickly.

The only real blocker that I can see at this time is the need for broad 
testing. [reiteration of me requesting testers / reviewers goes here.]

Of course.... nothing brings out bugs like a release.

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Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys."/ -- Andrew Ryan

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to occupy it."/ -- Sophia Lamb

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