Request for data / ntpsnmpd report

Ian Bruene ianbruene at
Sun Feb 11 17:47:03 UTC 2018

On 02/01/2018 11:22 AM, Mark Atwood, Project Manager wrote:
> The SNMP MIB RFCs are notorious for including magic blue sky values 
> and measurements that nobody knows how to measure and that are not 
> well defined.
> For things that don't make enough sense, it's ok to not implement that 
> particular snmp variable.
> As for the "Check if ntpd configuration changed", that appears to me 
> to be a good example of "poorly defined". "When did this host get a 
> new IP number" is better retrieved from one of the system MIBs.   It's 
> okay to not implement it.

Good to know, I will strike the config-change trap from the 
implementation until a better solution is found.

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