Leftover junk

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Dec 17 21:34:53 UTC 2018

> That's because the version information actually comes from the ntp python
> module. This is not specific to ntpmon. To fix this, we could interpolate the
> version string into each script on install. That's easy, but there was some
> resistance to that (interpolation on each script) in the past. 

Yup.  I think the discussion a long time ago was to do it this way.  I think 
we decided a few weeks ago to fix that, partly/mostly so that a program could 
check that it was running with the right version of library.

There is an issue for it.
  Our python code should check library versions
It hasn't been rejected yet.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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