Python 3 and 1.0

Fred Wright fw at
Tue Sep 26 22:50:50 UTC 2017

On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Ian Bruene via devel wrote:
> On 09/26/2017 05:02 PM, Eric S. Raymond via devel wrote:
> > Huh? If so, why has this not shown up in the results from the FreeBSD buildbot.
> Two reasons:
> 1. python tests still not run by the build script

Ah, yes.  Two of the tests were run by the buid script at one time, but
that was commented out when the tests didn't work in the in-tree
environment.  Although that's fixed now, I didn't bother to uncomment
them, because I think it would be better to work them in with waf's test
runner rather than just throw in a couple of shell commands.  But there
are some things that need to be figured out to make Python-based tests
work in the waf test framework.

> 2. subsequent reports are inconsistent on whether FreeBSD has a problem
> or Fred's system is wonky.

Yes.  But not a release blocker either way.

Fred Wright

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