All hands - we need to test Fred's build changes pronto

Ian Bruene ianbruene at
Tue Sep 26 16:48:16 UTC 2017

Running tests on the new build changes:

Build and run tests:

standard build (python 2.7): runs normally, uses the correct libraries 
from the build (this worked for me without any thingamijiggery anyway)

python3 build: tests run and use the correct libraries without 
installation. No PYTHONPATH in use.

python3.6 build: ditto

Run utilities from build directory:

standard build (python 2.7): ntpq runs normally from build directory, 
uses installed libraries

python3 build: fails, can't find ntp module, after installing p3 version 
it runs but crashes with a type conversion error (I'll get on this right 

python3.6 build: ditto, but also crashes with a "ModuleNotFoundError: No 
module named 'apt_pkg'" error.

Run installed utilities: same results on running from the build directory


In the end; what separates a Man, from a Slave? Money? Power?
No. A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys. -- Andrew Ryan

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