python-config on NetBSD 6

Fred Wright fw at
Fri Sep 15 20:06:31 UTC 2017

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, Hal Murray wrote:

> > The basic problem is that python2.7-config --ldflags includes "-lpython2.7"
> > but no "-L" to say where to find it.  On most platforms, a suitable "-L" is
> > included.
> I don't know anything about that area, but your "most platforms" seems
> optimistic.

I guess I should have said "if needed".  If the libraries that it wants
are in one of the compiler's default search paths, then there's no need
for a "-L".  In fact, the issue may arise due to some disconnect between
the C toolchain and Python.  I say "Python" rather than "python-config"
because the latter obtains its info from the former, and just massages it
a bit.

Personally, I consider python-config to be conceptually broken, but waf
seems rather wedded to it.

Fred Wright

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