Library-path glitch, again

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at
Fri Oct 6 15:32:12 UTC 2017

On 06/10/17 07:32, Eric S. Raymond via devel wrote:
> Daniele, you weren't ignored.  I read and processed what you said,
> but it's way too late in the cycle to redo the build around a technique
> (virtual environments) that the senior devs don't have experience with.

I don't understand this statement.  There is nothing that needs to
change in the buid process (if it works for installing in the default
python module path).  Creating the virtual env is something that the
administrator needs to do (what if I have a Python interpreter installed
in /usr/local?).  I definitely don't want the NTPSec install do anything
else than copy NTPSec files in the right place.


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