waf, git, EPOCH, version strings, ...
Hal Murray
hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Tue May 23 06:26:05 UTC 2017
I think the tangle mentioned at Issue #313 needs wider discussion.
ntpsec | build version not updated after git pull (#313)
A while ago, we changed things to not use __DATE__. Maybe we didn't get that
right. Maybe the default should be to use __DATE__ with configure options
for alternates.
configure sets up NTPSEC_VERSION_STRING
ntptime is the only useage.
There is a --build-version-tag=xxx option to configure.
It gets used in NTPSEC_VERSION_STRING, but see above.
I'm assuming the EPOCH date will also be the date in the version string.
I'm happy to recompile everything after a git pull.
I'd like to get a new version string without rebuilding everything.
I'd like the version string to indicate that I'm running something built with
local edits that haven't been committed yet.
I have a script to erase and build and another to build after an edit so I
have a handy place to put complicated recipies.
These are my opinions. I hate spam.
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