ntpsec | "ntpq -c ifstats" asking for a keyid (#298)

Achim Gratz Stromeko at nexgo.de
Tue May 9 16:28:07 UTC 2017

Hal Murray via devel writes:
>> Currently ntpdig tries and fails to the the command line.  ntpq does none of
>> the above.
>> Comments? 
> If we are being serious about security, ntpd should have a build time option 
> to disable all changes via mode 6 packets.  If you want to change something, 
> edit ntp.conf and restart ntpd.

Well, I might bite if ntpd could be reconfigured by sending it a USR1 or
USR2 signal, but a complete restart doesn't sound that appealing to me.
Restricting configuration to the localhost interface by default might be
a saner approach.

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