Something is buggy with iburst...

Hal Murray hmurray at
Tue May 9 00:31:40 UTC 2017

devel at said:
>      remote                       refid      st t when poll reach   delay offset   jitter
> ============================================================
>  NMEA(0)                     .uBx6.           0 u    9   16  377   0.0000 3.1188   4.0313
> *raspberrypi2                .NavS.           1 u    4   16 377   0.5921   0.0064   0.0319
> +raspberrypi3                .NavS. 1 u  38m   16  252   0.6008  -0.1239   0.0727 

To my eye, the 38m under when is suspicious.

I've seen similar problems.  In my case, the whole when column was crazy.

Here is what I think is going on...

The when column is showing the difference between the last time a response 
arrived and "now".  I think it is using ntpq's now rather than the server's 

Things may get more complicated if/when the server does a time step.  But I 
think a step resets all that stuff.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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