Version string vs --build-version-tag

Hal Murray hmurray at
Wed May 3 10:26:27 UTC 2017

wafhelpers/ contains:
    grp.add_option('--build-version-tag', type='string',
                   help="Append a tag to the version string.")

waf configure prints out things like:
Building version                         : 0.9.7-e1edbee-hgm

But then ntpd --version prints out:
ntpd ntpsec-0.9.7+524 2017-05-03T02:27:27Z

config.h contains:
#define NTPSEC_VERSION_STRING "0.9.7-e1edbee-hgm"

It's only used by ntptime/ntptime.c

I'd like to be able to add a tag of some sort.  How should that happen?


The old way of using the build directory ignored the tag that my buggy code 
setup and did what I wanted.  :)

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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