Future of 32 bit time_t?

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Tue Mar 14 00:03:40 UTC 2017

I have the leap second code mostly cleaned up.  It builds but the tests still 
get several errors.  There is no reference to ntpcal_xxx.

The general idea is that the file format uses NTP epoch, but as soon as dates 
are read in, they are converted to time_t.  All processing is done using 

That works fine now, but will break in 2038.

Is the world going to shift to 64 bit time_t soon enough?  Or should I 
convert everything to time64_t now while the code is somewhat fresh in my 
mind.  Actually, I think I would debug the non64 case first, then update to 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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