Repository downtime scheduled from 1500 to 1600 today

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Mon Mar 6 19:29:34 UTC 2017

The NTPsec repo is scheduled to be out of service for surgery from 1500 to 1600
today, 2017-03-06.

If all goes well I will announce it's back up sooner than 1600.

Please keep track of any problems or remediation actions you need to
take as a result of the surgery.  75% of the point of this procedure
is to clarify what we need to do when making more serious changes.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

The same applies for other kinds of long-lasting low-level pain. [...]
The body's response to being jabbed, pierced, and cut is to produce
endorphins. [...]  So here's my programme for breaking that cycle of
dependency on Windows: get left arm tattooed with dragon motif, buy a
crate of Jamaican Hot! Pepper Sauce, get nipples pierced.  With any
luck that will produce enough endorphins to make Windows completely
redundant, and I can then upgrade to Linux and get on with things.
	-- Pieter Hintjens

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