
Eric S. Raymond esr at
Sat Jan 28 14:23:33 UTC 2017

Hal Murray <hmurray at>:
> esr at said:
> >> Are there any places left in the code that are storing addresses in
> >> packed-4-octets or ints?
> > These are areas I will have to investigate.  
> I think the storage is all sockaddr_u
> I think all the printout goes through socktoa in libntp/socktoa.c

That's what I think, too, but I haven't verified it yet.

> I will punt any DNS changes until after your work in this area.

I don't think you need to, or should.

"Need to" because the DNS-threading stuff is pretty well sparated from
anywhere the IPv4/IPv6 stuff matters.  "Should" because removing sockaddr_u
has fallen way down my priority list. Because of the footprint issue I
probably won't do it all except as part of the immediate run-up to a
Go translation of the code, assuming we decide to go that route.

> If ntpdig is no longer around, is there any reason for libntp?

Two minor ones.  One is that part of libntp is used to build the Python
extension used by ntpq, etc. The other is that there's a separation
between ntpd and libntp test code parallel to the library split -
not a problem per se but it increases the friction cost of reorganizing.

It's on my to-do list to try moving one of the libntp modules that isn't
used in the Python extension over to ntpd/ as a test of how much trouble it
is.  If it's no big deal I'll move everything not used in the Python

BTW, I've successfully turfed out the ISC MD5 code.  This dropped about
300LOC.  Still need to get rid of the local SHA-1 and remove the
libsodium dependency.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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