Replacing C

Hal Murray hmurray at
Sun Jan 8 21:24:17 UTC 2017

esr at said:
> On the other hand, I don't consider requiring a runtime to be an *intrinsic*
> disqualifier.  The real question is, in my view, the 95th-percentile length
> of latency-inducing stop-the-world stalls. If it's below 100 microseconds
> that is almost certainly good enough. 

What is "a runtime"?  How does it differ from something like libc?

Is "95th-percentile" the right dimension?  How did you come up with 100 

The API on the receive path gets a time stamp from the kernel so we don't 
care about stalls there.  We do care about stalls on the transmit side.  That 
path should be short and clean, but it gets tangled up with crypto so maybe 
not.  If there is any level of predictability on the stalls, we should be 
able to cooperate and avoid them in the critical sections.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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