Feature Removals, NMEA GPS

Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com
Mon Feb 27 19:08:14 UTC 2017

Yo Hal!

On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 04:24:02 -0800
Hal Murray <hmurray at megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> gem at rellim.com said:
> > What hassle?  Just install and run, gpsd auto configures.   
> Autoconfigure can be a bug or a feature.
> It can be great if it does what you want.
> I often have more than one serial device plugged into a system.  It's
> a bug if gpsd messes with the ones I don't want it to touch.

gpsd never touches a serial port it was not told to touch.  I think
you are confusing gpsd autoconfig with when distros use the -F option
and auto plug.  I agree that is not a good way to run gpsd.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
	gem at rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin
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