Cruft from timesync

Hal Murray hmurray at
Sat Dec 16 11:24:29 UTC 2017 is a Ubuntu 17.10 box that I'm setting up.  It's using DHCP and 
running timesync.

Looking at one of the local NTP servers that my DHCP server gives out.

ntpq> mru
Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display partial results.
 lstint avgint rstr r m v  count rport remote address
      0    174  180 . 6 2    633 49137 hgm
    576    289  180 . 6 2    378 35228 shuksan
    578    971    0 . 6 2     90 37532 localhost
   2693   3554  180 . 3 3     31 60590 router
  14419  0.008  180 . 6 2     43 57471  <---
  51826     33  180 . 4 4   1762   123 ubu

43 packets with an average time between them of 8 ms.  ????

Looking at the other one:

ntpq> mru
Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display partial results.
 lstint avgint rstr r m v  count rport remote address
      0    153    0 . 6 2    720 51244 hgm
    730    368    0 . 3 4    128 54969  <------
   2702   4728   d0 . 3 4     20 48216
  37040      0   d0 . 3 4      1 14265

128 packets but printing out 0 for the average time.  ??

Sigh.  Something is broken.  I've booted that system several times.  Even if 
it is doing stupid retransmissions, the clumps should be far enough apart to 
make a reasonable average interval.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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