More SNMP dependency questions, also assertions.

Ian Bruene ianbruene at
Sun Apr 30 17:34:35 UTC 2017

>> assert: if both exist, they should be bound at the same time
> If yu bind to the IPv6, you get the IPv4 for free.  No need to bind both.


>> assert: the port(s) should be choosable
> Yes, but default to the snmp port in /etc/services.

Knew it had a specific default, TIL /etc/services

>> assert: security should be optional
> I would want default, but that that can't work without a default passwowrd,
> which is worse...


>> python-daemon is an implementation of PEP 3143. According to the PEP
>> and other
>> info getting a daemon right is finicky, python-daemon exists to
>> handle that.
> Daemonizing is at most a dozen lines of code.  Play with it, but
> you will likely decide that it is too trivial to add as a dependency.

Ah, ok. The info I saw made it sound as if daemonization was something 
even masters
found tricky. Conveniently there is a library and PEP on how to do it 
right..... :-)

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