Work item list: lfpfloat to Python

Hal Murray hmurray at
Wed Apr 26 19:43:20 UTC 2017

NB typo:  It's lfptofloat rather than lfpfloat
(I'm leaving the subject un-fixed to help mail archives)

Gary said:
> It needs to be pivoted earlier.  When you put a timestamp l_fp into a double
> you lose too much precision.  Only l_fp offsets should be converted to
> doubles. 

Looks like Gary is suggesting a new item for your list.

The Python code calls lfptofloat in  8 places.  Some are offsets.  Some are 
We should look at the ones that are times and process the fractional part in 
a way that doesn't lose precision.

Maybe we should have another item for the pivoting (in the Python code).  I 
think we need to be able to see both the pivoted and un-pivoted versions.

ntpq needs to be able to show the EPOCH a server is using.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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