Refclocks and formatting

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Sun Apr 23 19:01:59 UTC 2017

Ian Bruene <ianbruene at>:
> >The real problem is that this is just the tip of an iceberg.  I'm sure there
> >will be other fixes we want to make that are not backward compatible.  Is
> >shipping both a good general policy?
> This sounds like something for post-1.0, in fact I had already decided to
> leave the statustoa problem until
> after SNMP is implemented. It works, it's just ugly.

Actually, I'd *rather* roll out incompatibilities in 1.0 if we're going to
have them at all.

Better to present people with one clean break and truthfully promise
stability afterwards than to have an indefinitely continuing series of

Of course, we need a strong justification for each one.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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