Time to slow down and be more careful

Eric S. Raymond esr at thyrsus.com
Tue Apr 18 19:08:11 UTC 2017

Hal Murray <hmurray at megapathdsl.net>:
> gem at rellim.com said:
> > It is not a bug, but doing it there is a bug.  Follow along while I do the
> > math: 
> ...
> The case Eric was considering was the local clock is 1970 and the target time 
> is post 2036.  That requires the step adjustment to be more than 31 bits of 
> seconds.
> That would work if we applied Eric's suggestion of doing the pivot way back 
> when the l_fp format is extracted from the packets.  Then the arithmetic with 
> the 4 time stamps will get a big offset.

What would really be going on here is busting our time arithmetic out
of the 32-bit box...
		<a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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