✘ntpviz ±(rtt/2)

Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com
Wed Sep 7 21:52:54 UTC 2016

Yo All!

I have added ±(rtt/2) to the peer offset charts.  I think ntpviz
now does pretty much what chrony-graph does.  Plus temps, minus sone
chronyd stuff.

Still on the TODO list: 
	systems stats (LF, etc.)
	gpsd stats (sats in view, DOP, etc.)
	Improved formatting

Check it out.  A live copy is here: https://rellim.com/ntpstats/day/

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
	gem at rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588
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