Python.h is broken on NetBSD and FreeBSD

Hal Murray hmurray at
Mon Oct 24 06:27:42 UTC 2016

> There's now a waf fix in head that should find Python.h portably.

Builds on a quick try on NetBSD and FreeBSD.  Thanks.

What does it mean to "compile" a header file?
Why is it compiling pthon stuff twice?

[111/139] Compiling ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen.c
[112/139] Compiling ntptime/ntptime.c
[113/139] Compiling include/ntp_control.h
[114/139] Compiling include/ntp.h
[115/139] Compiling pylib/
[116/139] Compiling pylib/
[117/139] Compiling pylib/
[118/139] Compiling pylib/
[119/139] Compiling pylib/
[120/139] Compiling pylib/

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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