HOWTO: Security

Hal Murray hmurray at
Wed May 25 06:15:40 UTC 2016

esr at said:
> The deal we've struck with them is: They supply the hardware, we'll do the
> software integration.  I think they're our best bet for a real single-board
> solution. 

I don't think we want a single board solution.  It won't track new versions 
with newer CPU chips, or if it does, it will be a year or two behind and/or 
more expensive.  Better to have a simple cape that just plugs into new boards 
when the CPU chip (and whatever) gets updated.  Look at the Pi B+, Pi 2, and 
Pi 3.

> The BeagleBone people are so eager to work with us that they'll almost
> certainly do a specialty GPS+RTC cape (possibly with an OxCO) and maybe a
> fully intgrated variant BB.

The GPS with PPS on GPIO is the only critical part.  I haven't looked at RTC 
chips recently.  Usually that stuff gets stuffed in the corner of the I/O 
chip.  There might be one in the TI chip, or a 32 KHz clock.  I'd have to 
check the data sheet.

OCXOs are big, power hungry, and expensive.  Why do you want one?  In 
general, better ones cost more and use more power and take more space.  There 
is a wide range.

I'd put that on the back burner until you get a serious plan that will use it 
and buy a batch of them.  Then you can figure out how good an OCXO you need 
and/or if a TCXO is good enough.

What you can do that doesn't cost much is add a connector so somebody can 
provide an external clock.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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