Draft Stratum 1 Microserver HOWTO is up

Eric S. Raymond esr at thyrsus.com
Sat May 21 17:38:09 UTC 2016

Hal Murray <hmurray at megapathdsl.net>:
> esr at thyrsus.com said:
> > I didn't have any particular accuracy goal in mind.  It just seemed odd to
> > pick a threshold that would make pool sources unlikelly to vonistently meet
> > the RFC 5905 target. 
> I think you are misreading the RF C.  I can't find any place that uses the 
> word "target".
> Here is the only section that uses "few tens of milliseconds"
>   With NTPv4, servers and clients are precise within a
>   few tens of milliseconds with poll intervals up to 36 hours.
> The previous sentence says "fast LANs".  There is nothing in that area that 
> discusses WANs and all the ways they can screwup.  There is probably an 
> unstated assumption of well-cared-for systems.  The goal of the pool is to 
> get something working well enough without the human effort required for that 
> care.

Thanks for the correction.

Hm. I guess I must lower my expectations.
		<a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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