20160520 - Latest Pi firmware & no serial ports

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Sat May 21 00:39:32 UTC 2016

frank at nicholasfamilycentral.com said:
> I have a solution, and it's non-intuitive.  The link I sent above
> clearly states that "enable_uart=1" is if you want a
> UART console.  However, it appears that with the latest firmware,
> **without** the "enable_uart=1" option, NO UARTs are
> created/initialized on boot up.

Interesting.  I don't have any enable_uart in my /boot/config.txt and my Pi-3 
is working as expected.

I installedjessie-lite a while ago.  It's been updated/upgraded regularly, so 
I think it's the latest mainline but not bleeding edge.  uname says the 
kernel is 4.4.9-v7+  That's ahead of Raspbian

> While reviewing the How-To, I just relaized that in the above line, I
> replaced “pi3-miniuart-bt” with “pi3-disabled-bt”…  I’m not sure how that
> affected my testing… 

Mine says

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