Raspberry Pi HowTo - dtoverlay change

Frank Nicholas frank at nicholasfamilycentral.com
Sat May 14 14:13:40 UTC 2016

From this page:  

They are changing the way overlays work.  There will be old overlays with “-overlay” as part of the name, and a new dynamic overlay format **without** the “-overlay” as part of the name.

The bootloader system is intelligent enough to add “-overlay” if needed.  They are recommending to **NOT** include “-overlay” as part of the “dtoverlay=“ line.

In the HowTo, this:
# Disable Bluetooth so serial-tty speed is no longer tied to CPU speed

Should be changed to:
# Disable Bluetooth so serial-tty speed is no longer tied to CPU speed

This becomes important with the latest kernel/Raspian (released 2016-05-10), which includes the new dynamic overlay format:


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