Clark B. Wierda cbwierda at gmail.com
Tue May 3 16:54:40 UTC 2016

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Hal Murray <hmurray at megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> esr at thyrsus.com said:
> > Accordingly, I'll be extending the breadth of the HOWTO to cover more
> > hardware - not just two additional HATs but the Odroid C2 as well and
> > probably the BeagleBone Black later.
> Could you please say a bit more about that area?
> <snip>
> I took a quick scan at the Odroid C2 web pages.  It has a 40 pin header,
> but
> I didn't find any claims about Pi compatibility.  Does anybody know if it
> takes any of the Pi GPS HATs?

>From the Technical Detail tab for the Odroid C2:
Please note that pins #37, #38 and #40 are not compatible with Raspberry Pi
B+ 40pin header. Those pins are dedicated for Analog input function.
Also note that all the GPIO ports are 3.3Volt. But the ADC inputs are
limited to 1.8Volt.

The GPS Hat should just work.  The GPS Hat will also provide an RTC for
both the ODroid and the RPi.

Clark B. Wierda
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