My first positive structural change to NTP

Hal Murray hmurray at
Sun Jun 26 05:57:35 UTC 2016

> Here's how I think it should look:

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> refclock shm unit 0 refid GPS
> refclock shm unit 1 prefer refid PPS
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I think you should start a list of that sort of change.

Currently, we can switch between our code and ntpd classic.  The same 
ntp.conf works for both.

I think we should preserve that until we make an explicit decision that it's 
the right time to make the break.


> Oh well...almost everyone disables remote querying anyway.  

It may be disabled for general IP addresses, but it's used all the time for 
monitoring your own servers.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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