Wonky NTP startup and the incremental-configuration problem

Daniel Poirot dtpoirot at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 12:04:22 UTC 2016

When faced with the exciting task of porting RTI's DDS real-time,
Ethernet publish/subscribe middleware to OpenVMS for the USAF JSTARS
project, I turned to both eBay (ES40) and FreeAXP. Performance on the
Alpha emulator was faster than the real hardware and certainly
suitable for development and unit testing. Validation and
certification was done on the Real Deal.

OpenVMS licenses are available under HP's 'Community' user group. I
wonder if a license for TRU64 could be obtained in a similar manner?

Do we know anyone at HP?  (Please don't let sarcasm be dead today...)

best regards,
- dan

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Eric S. Raymond <esr at thyrsus.com> wrote:
> (Jay: You can skip down to where it says "DEC Alpha".)

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