My pre-1.0 wishlist

Daniel Poirot dtpoirot at
Sat Jun 4 16:10:21 UTC 2016

...and if we had access to a Linux host, I could install Coverity, Defensics and Test Advisor (day job) to automate, identify and email issues with a defined testing policy...

Best regards,

> On Jun 4, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Jason Azze <jason at> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Daniel Franke <dfoxfranke at> wrote:
>> deeper into the code (TESTFRAME). I want to test things at the
>> *user-visible* level. Automate the process of supplying configuration
>> files that exercise a variety of functionality, running them on real
>> hardware and real networks, and monitoring the results with ntpq. That
>> is, take the sort of testing that we're already doing by hand and make
>> it systematic and automatic.
> This is what I help my team do at my day job. I'd be happy to offer my
> two cents if you'd like to hear about how we approach this kind of
> testing with engineering simulation software. The trick is in getting
> good, sane baselines and then developing a low-drag method for
> rebaselining when necessary.
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