memory locking

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Sun Jul 3 09:30:03 UTC 2016

Hal Murray <hmurray at>:
> esr at said:
> > I'm not sure what the referent of "that" is. The statistics-gathering I've
> > seen seems to be all about writing line-at-a-time records to various stats
> > files; I can't see that generating a lot of memory pressure.
> > If there's somewhere in the code that is allocating memory proportional to
> > the size of saved statistics, yes that could be a problem.  Do you have some
> > specific case in mind? 
> Different context for statistics.  The MRU list keeps tracks of traffic from 
> each IP Address.  It's in the misc options page under "mru".  You can see it 
> with ntpq -c mrulist.

esr at snark:~/software/ntp-rescue/ntpsec$ ntpq -c mrulist
***Command `mrulist' unknown
esr at snark:~/software/ntp-rescue/ntpsec$ ntpq
ntpq> ?
ntpq commands:
:config          delay            mreadvar         readlist         
addvars          exit             mrl              readvar          
associations     help             mrv              rl               
authenticate     host             ntpversion       rmvars           
cl               hostnames        opeers           rv               
clearvars        keyid            passociations    saveconfig       
clocklist        keytype          passwd           showvars         
clockvar         lassociations    peers            timeout          
config-from-file lopeers          poll             version          
cooked           lpassociations   pstatus          writelist        
cv               lpeers           quit             writevar         
debug            mreadlist        raw              

Name must have changed. But I remember seeing the code for that. Looking in
ntp_control.c...looks like memory used used is O(n) in the number of peers.
esr at snark:~/software/ntp-rescue/ntpsec$ ntpq -c mrulist
***Command `mrulist' unknown
esr at snark:~/software/ntp-rescue/ntpsec$ ntpq
ntpq> ?
ntpq commands:
:config          delay            mreadvar         readlist         
addvars          exit             mrl              readvar          
associations     help             mrv              rl               
authenticate     host             ntpversion       rmvars           
cl               hostnames        opeers           rv               
clearvars        keyid            passociations    saveconfig       
clocklist        keytype          passwd           showvars         
clockvar         lassociations    peers            timeout          
config-from-file lopeers          poll             version          
cooked           lpassociations   pstatus          writelist        
cv               lpeers           quit             writevar         
debug            mreadlist        raw              

Name must have changed?
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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