Quirk from pythonize-header

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Dec 12 11:37:01 UTC 2016

It's commenting a line I expect to get translated.

#define MODE_CONTROL    6       /* control mode */
#define MODE_PRIVATE    7       /* Dead: private mode, ntpdc */
 * This is a madeup mode for broadcast client.  No longer used.
/* #define      MODE_BCLIENT    6       ## broadcast client mode */
#define MODE_BCLIENTx   6       /* for pylib/util.py */

#define LEN_PKT_NOMAC   48 /* min header length */

MODE_CONTROL    = 6     # control mode 
MODE_PRIVATE    = 7     # Dead: private mode, ntpdc 
# This is a madeup mode for broadcast client.  No longer used.
# #define       MODE_BCLIENT    6       ## broadcast client mode 
#define MODE_BCLIENTx   6       # for pylib/util.py 

LEN_PKT_NOMAC   = 48 # min header length 

I need MODE_BCLIENTx.  It's used by ntpq so that any references to 
MODE_BCLIENT in ntpd will crash.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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