Is asychronous DNS lookup worth keeping at all?

Hal Murray hmurray at
Wed Dec 2 09:14:00 UTC 2015

>> There is a lot of interest in getting servers restarted quickly.  Telling 
>> those users they can't use any non-local server names seems unwise.

> That's not the implication.  If we removed asynchronous lookup, they'd
> only incur an additional initial start time cost for using *more than
> one* named server.  The cost for using just one wouldn't change.

I can't figure out how you are thinking ntpd works.  I'm not sure I know how it does work.

Perhaps we can kill two birds with one TESTFRAME...

The state changes for the main state machine goes through a logging/printout routine.  I think it's protostats.  If you intercept that, we can figure out when it really starts by digging into the save-it file.

We can probably do almost the same with the current logging.  Take the rawstats and the protostats and sort the combination.  They both/all start with the same timestamp in the first two columns.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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